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Wednesday, September 12 2018

DADs…what do you say or do at work that communicates to 

your co-workers, bosses, customers, and others your obedience?  

Is your obedience at work only obvious in the “big” things 

or is your obedience apparent to others even in the day to day plans and activities? 

At what point during the day do you hand your day over to God? 

Is it in the disappointments of a failure or even in your successes?  

In 2 Chronicles 17& 18:

Ezra writes about one of Judah’s Kings…King Jehoshaphat.    

The king’s strengths and accomplishments included that he was a bold follower 

of God and carried out a national program of religious education…

2 Chronicles 17:3 & 4:

Now the LORD was with Jehoshaphat because he walked in the former 

ways of his father David. 

He did not seek the Baals but sought the God of his father and walked 

by His commands, not according to the practices of Israel.

But Ezra…also wrote of Jehoshaphat’s lack of obediencein the little things 

that can often become the big things…

2 Chronicles 18:1: Ezra writes:

Now Jehoshaphat had riches and honor in abundance, and he made an alliance 

with Ahab through marriage.

Jehoshaphat allowed his son to marry the daughter of the wicked Ahab. 

Without asking God he made an alliance with Ahab and later got involved with 

Ahab’s son in a venture that was shipwrecked by God. 

DADs…God wants all of us…not just when the odds are clearly against us!

God wants to be in our business…even in the details.

DADs…while on the job…what are the ways you can ensure obedience in your work 

day for the future? 

How can you model obedience in all your words and deeds?

Next time…we will continue this conversation on obedience at work and look at how your 

position at work can be a mission field.

DADs…“get in the game”…Today is game day…and so is every day…God gives you!

So…C’mon men…Suit Up!

Posted by: Jeff Springer AT 04:30 am   |  Permalink   |  Email