![]() Wednesday, February 26 2020
DADs, DADs…“get in the game”… BE THE DAD TODAY!
Wednesday, February 19 2020
DADs, For instance, what other sport begins with a chaplain saying a prayer to God and His son Jesus Christ aired live for all those watching on TV to hear? Talk about evangelism! Now I am not endorsing, nor soliciting your support of Nascar but I am celebrating the fact that a major spectator event that occurs 36 weekends a year on National networks demonstrates its boldness and is not ashamed to give glory to our country’s Christian foundation and belief in Jesus. In Philippians 1:20 Paul says… "My eager expectation and hope is that I will not be ashamed about anything, but that now as always, with all boldness,Christ will be highly honored in my body, whether by life or by death." DADs, do not be ashamed, just like Nascar to show your boldnessfor Christ? Be eager to model your boldness for your kids and your family today! DADs…“get in the game”… BE THE DAD TODAY! Wednesday, February 12 2020
DADs, How often have you prepared long & hard for a job interview only to receive a thanks but no thanks letter in the mail a week after the process? How often has a loved one made a decision that caused heartache to you or your family? Disappointment is a part of life. A friend once told me that in the good times or in the bad times the statement “this too shall pass” works in all situations. I don’t know about you, but I don’t really find much comfort in that but in Romans 8:28, I do find a more appropriate answer. Paul tells his disciples, “We know that all things work together for the good of those who love God: those who are called according to His purpose.” In the midst of disappointment or failures it is hard to see God’s purpose but we must find the faith in the storm that God’s will even in dark circumstances will be eventually revealed. Remembering that Paul places emphasis on His purpose versus ours allows us to pick up the pieces and persevere as it is written in James 1:12, “blessed is the man who perseveres under trial; because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those that love Him”. DADs, trials, disappointments, failures, we all go through them, but God does not want us to waiver regardless of our conditions. Instead God wants His DADs to continue to carry His banner and to be the men that love Him and always stand firm in Christ! DADs…“get in the game”… BE THE DAD TODAY! Wednesday, February 05 2020
DADs… DADs…“get in the game”… BE THE DAD TODAY! |