![]() Friday, February 24 2023
I want to remind you today that you are a masterpiece and you have immeasurable worth! Maybe, you don't feel that way today. I hope if you don't that will change after reading. Dads you need affirmation!
Men we need affirmation too. We need to know that we are good enough, that we have what it takes, that we are essential! DADS need affirmation. WE ARE FAVORED! I remember the day like it was yesterday. I was in 4th grade at recess playing kickball and I was the last one picked! I still remember that feeling. Then something changed in 5th grade my family moved to Texas. I was the new kid but not only that I got faster! I became the favorite and I was NEVER PICKED LAST AGAIN!
Here is the Good news. You are in! You are always on God’s team. You are never the last one picked. You are always in His starting line up. You always measure up. You are always fast enough. You are always smart enough. You are precious and beautiful and always invited to His table! DADS you will NEVER EAT ALONE! Three years ago, a college football player went missing. He was six foot eight, 280 pounds of fun-loving young man. Everybody loved him but because of his feeling of being inadequate he took his own life and was found in a dumpster. Just prior to that event he text his mom at 1am saying “I am sorry that I am such an embarrassment”. You matter and your wife and your children need you! To God be the glory. Suiting Up, Jeff Springer Friday, February 17 2023
God is so good, for some reason, God made me think about the word dabble. I do not know why, I guess HE wanted me to look at the things in my life that I just dabble in. I thought to myself, I’m a dabbler! Are you a Dabbler? Definition of Dabbler: 1. One who engages in an activity superficially or without serious intent, one that dabbles: 2. one not deeply engaged in or concerned with something 3. a duck (as a mallard or shoveler) that feeds by dabbling “Walks like a duck…quacks like a duck…looks like a duck…a dabbler” Do you dabble in things? What do you dabble in? When I was a coach, we called a dabbler a half-stepper.
Usually what happens to a half-stepper is that he goes half speed and when a half-stepper goes half speed then they often get hurt! I do not know about you but it is easier for me to identify what I do not dabble in versus what I do I wish I could say that I was always all out with my walk and my Christianity! My son motivated me recently! He was reading the book of Revelation and started asking questions! Which made me start reading! (Apostle John…letters of warning…receives the vision of the Risen Lord…relays…to the seven churches in Asia) The churches were full of dabblers! The letter recognizes their efforts, but follows up with a “yea but.” By the way if you study the letters we want to be like Philadelphia, they remained focused and vibrant for the Lord. John wrote to the 7th church: Revelation 3:14-21: "The Amen, the faithful and true Witness, the Originator of God's creation says: 15 I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot. DABBLERS! I wish that you were cold or hot. 16 So, because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I am going to vomit you out of My mouth. DABBLERS! 17 Because you say, 'I'm rich; I have become wealthy, and need nothing,' and you don't know that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind, and naked, These dabblers do not even know that they are foolish and self-absorbed! 18 I advise you to buy from Me gold refined in the fire so that you may be rich, and white clothes so that you may be dressed and your shameful nakedness not be exposed, and ointment to spread on your eyes so that you may see. 19 As many as I love, I rebuke and discipline. NO NEED FOR DABBLERS! Commit to Christ vs. the world! So be committed and repent. 20 Listen! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and have dinner with him, and he with Me. 21 The victor: I will give him the right to sit with Me on My throne, just as I also won the victory and sat down with My Father on His throne. TO THE NON-DABBLERS GOES THE SPOILS! The biggest obstacle to Christianity is not the unbelievers but the Christians that are dabblers - lukewarm and passive Why do we dabble in our Humility? our Obedience? our Prayer Life? Those things which are eternal, being the DAD God has called us to be? James 5:12 - Now above all, my brothers, do not swear, either by heaven or by earth or by oath. Your yes must be your yes, and your no must be no, so that you won’t fall under judgment” SUIT UP DADS! Don’t be a dabbler in the things that matter the most! To God be the glory, Jeff Friday, February 10 2023
The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, but is long suffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance. DADs, in all our waiting we are sometimes missing something. The present. It is great to have things to look forward to but we need to be careful that it’s not at the expense of losing today. “Today is a great day to be alive!” (Psalm 118:24) You know, it’s not always a bad thing to wait. Unless you are the one other people are waiting on! A Wedding story Have you ever waited for something so long and the day came finally. All this anticipation for the event marked on your calendar comes and goes and it was good, maybe great, but nothing like you imagined? Even in some ways disappointing? Here is the good news, the real celebration requires no waiting, no appointment, no long lines for something eternal versus some of those things that we find ourselves waiting for, like birthdays, holidays and even graduations. Waiting for things is just part of life. We wait for things that are important to us. Those things that are worth it to us. Like waiting nine months for a grandchild to arrive. Priceless. You know who also waits? God waits. He waits for people to see His glory, to admit they are lost without Him, to say yes to His love, to receive His forgiveness, to turn away from sin. While we wait for His return, He waits for our repentance. What seems to us like God’s slowness in coming is instead His patience in waiting (2 Peter 3:9). The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, but is long suffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance. In our waiting is very little peace. And your waiting has just begun. Waiting for a raise or for the promotion. Waiting for the person in front of you to pull up and quit texting. Waiting for results on a test from the doctor or waiting one day for your kids to call. In that waiting we grow anxious and tired because waiting for something good or bad can become a burden. The good news is that Jesus wants to wait with you and give you His peace that only He can give. "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. DADs, I know that your world is a battle sometimes. Right now, today and every day you are God’s perfect child. I want to remind you to seek to know the truth gain all the blessings of this life, I want you to take Jesus with you. You do not have to wait alone any longer because you have Jesus Christ who is with you even as we speak and even in the times of loneliness and heartache. The Lord is waiting to have a relationship with those He loves. And that’s you. And that’s me. He made the first move when He came to this place as a baby and then ultimately as the sacrificial Lamb. Now He waits for us to welcome Him into our lives as Savior and Lord. DADs, take Him with you, wait no more. No matter where you go He is with you. Jesus is someone who will always wait and wait with you, filling you with rest and peace that only He can give. The old Rocky II “WIN” And immediately Rocky’s manager who also waited with Rocky says, “what are we waiting for?!?” So, I ask you DADs, to do one thing for me, do it for yourself, win. “What are you waiting for?” Do not wait for tomorrow to ask Him into your life. With Jesus, you are Undefeated. Thanks, be to God who gives you and me the victory. To God be the glory. Amen. Dr. Jeff Springer Friday, February 03 2023
What is a Dad?What is a DAD? Daily as the day is long Daily is what dad's do Daily as the morning star Active in his children's play Active and ready to always play ball Active in catching them when they fall Devotion to raise them up just right Devotion to always to love their mom D – AILY If you want to know more about what a DAD is...join us here at the DAD U Grad blog and sign up for notifications for new posts! Let's suit up and be the DAD God has called us to be! Jeff Springer |