![]() Friday, May 26 2023
DADs, Today men desire hope in their families; their careers; their dreams and goals; their finances; their futures and in their today's! Inside every man, even a grown DAD, is a precious little boy, a child of God, wanting the same safe & secure life as the next person. The Passage in Jeremiah 29:11says: For I know the plans I have for you "plans for [your] welfare, not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. At Suit Up Ministries we use the word H.O.P.E. as an acronym representing the four vital links that every man needs to become transformed into the child of God and to be fully used: H…Humility O…Obedience P…Prayer E…Eternal vs External DADs…each step builds upon each other all essential steps towards walking in Christ and each giving the hope that every man wants and needs that together provides every DAD the gift of true hope through Christ Jesus. DADs…do not stand on the sidelines of life…get off the bench…“get in the game”… Today is game day…and so is every day…God gives you! So…C’mon men…Suit Up! Dr. Jeff Springer Friday, May 19 2023
DADs, Over the last three weeks we have been talking about how important it is to identify the MVP’s in your life. Those people will motivate your character, value your soul & praise your journey! We found out that the first step towards finding your MVP’s is “Acknowledging” the need for MVP’s in your life. Then we discovered that the second step was all about “Broadening” your perspective for who might be an MVP for you! Today we look at the final step, “Cultivating” the relationships that you already have! In gardening, the definition of cultivating means to prepare and use for growing crops; to till; to grow from seeds. With our MVP’s, ”Cultivating" is defined as: to improve by care, training, or study; to promote the development or growth of; acquire and develop and to give one's attention to; to pursue! In Romans 12:9-10 Paul writes, “Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honor one another above yourselves”. How often do we miss opportunities to “Cultivate" relationships that we already have? Why do we spend so much time seeking what can be literally standing right beside us? DADs, today, take time to “Cultivate" the relationships that you already have and are willing to be the MVP that enables you to run with a winning team, God’s team. DADs…do not stand on the sidelines of life…get off the bench… “get in the game”…Today is game day…and so is every day…God gives you! So…C’mon DADs…Suit Up! Dr. Jeff Springer Friday, May 12 2023
DADs, This week we have been talking about how important it is to identify the MVP’s in your life. Those people who motivate your character, value your soul & praise your journey! Last week we found out that the first step towards finding your MVP’s is “Acknowledging” the need for MVP’s in your life. Today we look at the second step, “Broadening” your perspective for who might be an MVP. You see DADs, there is always a reason why God puts certain people in your lives! We only need to open our eyes and look beyond our own beliefs, prejudices and simply just plain stubbornness, that often keeps us from truly seeing those MVP’s that would & will encourage our faith. Its always amazing who will or can influence you to be better! Proverbs 11:2– When pride comes, then comes disgrace, “Broadening" our perspective as to who will walk with us is essential to running with a winning team God’s team. Is there somebody that crosses your path daily that if given a chance could be the very person that God purposely placed in your life to be your next MVP? DADs…do not stand on the sidelines of life…get off the bench…“get in the game”…Today is game day…and so is every day…God gives you! So…C’mon DADs…Suit Up! Friday, May 05 2023
DADs, A few weeks ago we talked about how important it is to identify the MVP’s in your life. Those people who will motivate your character, value your soul & praise your journey! The first step towards finding your MVP’s, is “Acknowledging” DADs, acknowledging your need for an MVP! Often times we want to go it alone, but DADs, we all need MVP’s in our life. Acknowledging that fact sooner than later will assist you in your journey with Christ. In I Samuel 20:17– It says “Jonathan once again swore to David in his love for him, because he loved him as he loved his own soul”. Jonathon & David acknowledged each other as MVP’s by their loyalty and their love. DADs, who do you need to “Acknowledge” as your MVP? Your wife, your children, your friends, your parents, maybe a Christian brother or sister? Let yourself be available for the possibilities. We all need people in our lives and we all need to be needed. Acknowledge your MVP’s today. DADs…do not stand on the sidelines of life…get off the bench…“get in the game”…Today is game day…and so is every day…God gives you! So…C’mon DADs…Suit Up! Dr. Jeff Springer |