![]() Wednesday, September 15 2021
Week 37 - #Prepare “Persevere”"Perseverance Built on HOPE"James 1:12 "Blessed is a man who perseveres under trial; for once he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him." Romans 5:3-4 "And not only this, but we also exult in our tribulations, knowing that tribulation brings about perseverance; and perseverance, proven character; and proven character, hope;" Galatians 6:9 "Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up" Why is it that two people can find themselves in the same circumstances, one finding the tools to navigate the struggle, while the other failing to persevere? While I know there are many variables contributing to how people respond to the circumstances crossing their paths, I believe those reacting to challenges favorably possess a foundation to persevere in one essential element. HOPE. And isn’t HOPE what we all desire in our lives moving us forward? But "having hope," and “hoping for something" are two distinct things. “Having" hope means we have done some prior preparation allowing us to endure, meeting the struggles head on, and with perseverance. “Hoping" for something relies on someone else’s actions, and decisions. “Having" hope emerges, because of what we have done to prepare for our perseverance. I believe the word HOPE is an acronym for humility, obedience, prayer, and eternal (yes yet another favorite acronym of mine). The best way to prepare to persevere is to put into practice the four steps of HOPE! 1 Peter 5:6 says to “humble yourselves before the Lord and he will raise you up in due time!” To gain a perseverance perspective we must first find ourselves holding the realization that we cannot do this life alone. Either we realize this today, or tomorrow He may make us “lay down in His green pastures.” It is this necessary humility, leading us to the second step of obedience. Obedience grants us the strength to keep us on a path, following God’s plan for us. Obedience encourages us to study His word daily, bringing life to the scriptures, and pursuing the life God has called us to live. Included in this authentic obedience is the need for prayer. Prayer becomes an immediate outcry from obedience connecting us to God in a perpetual communication with our Heavenly Father. In 1 Thessalonians 5:17 it says to “pray without ceasing” DADs…your humility, leads to obedience, and this obedience naturally will guide you to have daily meaningful and deliberate prayer. All three steps play a strong foundation for the final step of HOPE, “seeking the eternal versus those things external.” In this “eternal vs external” battle we all face, our stumbling blocks or missteps may be revealed. But, if we have practiced our preparations for perseverance, we will find our way home, starting back on our knees in humility, obeying God's instructions, while discerning His voice through prayer. Only through repeating and practicing these intentional steps of HOPE, can we possibly prepare to endure and persevere, flourishing well in our second half of life. DADs, let's not wait till tomorrow to prepare. You are just four steps away from your preparation to persevere! Humility. Obedience. Prayer. Eternal. A HOPE enduring forever! To God be the glory!
Today is game day…and so is every day… God gives you! So…C’mon Men Suit Up! **Today we prepare to“Persevere.” Next week we will consider how critical it is to prepare to“Focus."
In this "pursuit to prepare" I am determined to dedicate the 52 weeks of 2021 blogging every Week about one aspect of preparation God lays on my heart. As mentioned in week 1, the word “prepare” means “to establish, fix, or apply.” It conveys the idea of deliberate effort over a prolonged period of time. |